Monthly Archives: January 2014

Winter sunshine


It may be January but the Ile de Ré has seen plenty of big blue skies in the past couple of weeks.  The hour before sunset has also brought out some lovely golden colour on the     buildings around  the harbour in Saint Martin de Ré.


On several afternoons I’ve walked round the town watching the light change and then sat outside Le Lever du Soleil for a drink and a chance to watch the world go by.


Away from St Martin, the island is full of birds that have flown in for the winter, apparently including a snowy owl.  There is much excitement in the twitcher world because supposedly it’s the first time anyone has reported seeing the bird in Charente Maritime.  All I have seen is more people with big lenses.


Bird lover or mere mortal.  If you want to rent our house in Saint Martin de Ré click here.,vacances,iledere,st-martin-de-re,maison-de-pays/0312.html